Are 24 m înălţime, o deschidere de 30 m şi 60 m lungime.
Plimbarea cu barca n-a durat mult, dar a fost plăcută şi fun, pentru că vâslaşul a cântat cu pasiune ‘O sole mio’.:)
În cartea de oaspeţi a unui hotel din Amalfi, cineva a scris în 1858, 12 februarie: :
“for the sake of foreign travellers loving beautiful things…we would like people to know about the discovery made about a month ago in the neighbourhood of Amalfi, in the village of Conca, of a kind of ‘monstrum cave' which, because of its rare beauty represents a real phenomenon capable of enrapturing those who are used travelling all around of world in search of wonders.[…]this beautiful phenomenon, produced only by nature, can compete with Vesuvius, because it is really capable of fully satisfying the curiosity of the harshest and most intelligent critics of beautiful rarities.”
Când am urcat în barcă, mi-am adus aminte de ‘Condurii domniţelor’, o poveste minunată.
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