20 March 2009

Teorema lui Thales

'The deepest human need is the need to be appreciated.' Williams James

15 March 2009

Particule elementare

Există trei verbe esenţiale la care se reduc toate celelalte:
a fi, a avea, a simţi.

10 March 2009

Mirror, mirror...

-What is Time, can you tell me? asked the blooming-tree.
-Time is a mirror, sweetheart.A magic one, answered the wind.
-That means I can ask:’Mirror, mirror…?’
-Oh no, that is not possible.Never ask Time something straight, cause you'll never get a straight answer.
-How come and why not? said the tree.
The wind blew gently:
-Well, you have to tell Time a story and it will answer you with another one.And so you’ll find out.
The blooming tree fluttered its branches:
-But anyway, how on earth can I talk to Time?
-Oh, it’s easy baby, just live, said the wind.After all, this is the only way you can get every answer you need from Time.

08 March 2009

Strada ca o iluzie/The street as an illusion

pe Liternet.ro   I make movies in my head about what some people who pass me on the street are thinking. I don't know them and yet I wa...